Zephyr is a new trainer who’s just enjoying the experience. A dreamer, an idealist, a people pleaser and a bit of a doormat, they're all too happy to follow the rest of their travelling party.
Dexio (father):
Sina (mother):
Eurus (twin sister): Zephyr and Eurus are extremely close, having been together since the womb. Zephyr is often exasperated by Eurus' tendency to poke her nose into things she probably should have left alone, but in following her, often gets themselves in trouble as well. Despite this, they do have to admit that they couldn't see life without her and that she makes everything much, much more exciting.
Vervain: Zeph likes to think that Vervain was their friend before he was Eurus'. They get along very well, although Zeph caves fairly quickly to Vervain's sharp tongue. Zeph finds that while there's a comfort to their silences together, they can be a bit tongue tied and shy in his presence.
Zephyr is the west wind in Greek mythology. The gentlest of the winds, it was said to be the messenger of spring. Zephyr's Roman counterpart, Favonius, also looked after plants and flowers.
Lacroix means the cross in French. It was often used for someone who lived near a cross, or a crossroads. Since their parents have direction names (left and right), it seemed appropriate.
Hyacinths are often associated with spring and rebirth. In Greek mythos, the hyacinth was created on the death of Hyacinthus, a lover of Apollo. Depending on the story, it is Zephyr's jealousy that blows the discus off course, or Apollo's own mistake that causes the discus to kill the unfortunate youth.
The hyacinth has various meanings in different contexts. It could mean both sorrow, sincerity, playfulness, and joy. In Victorian flower language, it was a plea for forgiveness or a symbol of deep regret. To the Roman Catholics, it represents prudence, constancy, desire of heaven, and peace of mind.